
About SPY or DIE  

A kidnapped woman, as well as five others, is trained and engineered to become a super woman and take over the world. Can her husband and his Navy Seal buddies find her and rescue them? Will they defeat the evil, demonic billionaire technologist behind it all?

Dani Wells has just turned 50. She is married to Jack Wells, a retired Navy Seal and also worked in the CID (Criminal Investigation Division, US Marine Corps). Dan works as a research analyst specialist for the Adams, Adams & Gray Law Firm.  Jack alongside his friend, Rev. Graham Smith, works with at-risk youth under a program they developed called Adventures in Attitudes Boot Camp. Bently, Jack’s retired service dog, a Rottweitler, never leaves his side. 

Mistaken for someone else, Dani is kidnapped and becomes entangled in a sinster, deadly game of Spy or Die, a game she must win or she WILL die. 

Does Dani survive? How does she deal with the impossible situation she suddenly finds herself in? Form where does she get her courage? Can we apply this fictitious narrative in some way to our lives, out life choices, our impossibilites. Perhaps we can. 


Carrie Wachsmann 







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